Coolisys technologies targets digital mining as crypto currencies

coolisys technologies targets digital mining as crypto currencies

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DPW Holdings - Company Profile - Coolisys Technologies Inc. Lab Tour
Coolisys, which targets "specialized products Digital Mining to develop a tech and services portfolio for digital mining and cryptocurrency. With the advent of large scale mining farms, we will work with partners like Coolysis Technologies, along with the ever growing community of CryptoCurrency. The company's Coolisys Technologies unit is working on advanced technology power systems for digital mining of cryptocurrencies. Riot.
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Share Facebook Icon The letter F. Coolisys is a wholly owned subsidiary operating as a technology-centric holding company dedicated to servicing the defense and aerospace sectors, as well as industrial and medical based businesses worldwide. Taking under account a company with 48 years under its belt of design expertise, manufacturing experience, all while garnering global adoption of its power solutions and systems, Coolisys finds itself in good standing here. Our products are used in the most demanding communications, industrial, medical and military applications where customers demand high density, high efficiency and ruggedized power solutions.